Weddington Golf

Everything works with this gorgeous Weddington Golf catio. The colors, the house lines, and the matching shingle roof make the enclosure blend in perfectly with the home. We put the litter area and the easy access litter door on the …

Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach is simply a spectacular cat mansion! Three separate catios, each with their own distinct features are connected by two long high runs. The cats enter and exit through a cat door in a window of the right tower …

Valley Glen

Despite being done on a limited budget we were able to include a number of cool features. First, we kept it thin so that there is room to walk around the enclosure to the backyard. There’s also an emergency exit …


Occasionally we find a house with the perfect catio spot already built in as in this case. We merely had to build a mesh wall with a door, and add a ramp, a couple of shelves, and a sisal rope …

Mira Costa

Hawkeye, perhaps the luckiest cat on the planet, enters his new catio through a cat door high upon a bedroom wall. From there he zigs and zags his way through a long cat run under the roof eve which deposits …

Lafayette Square

Clyde (orange tabby) and Chloe’s captivating Lafayette Square (Mid City) catio has some cool features and is extremely detailed. Note how the bronze translucent roof is a perfect height and pitch match for the awnings on either side of the …