A recent Property Brothers show prominently featured a Custom Catios catio (video). Season 7, Episode 6 of the popular TV show, “Forever Home,” is titled “Reno Around the Corner,” because it focuses on Hollywood actors and Custom Catios’ clients, Adhir Kalyan and Emily Wilson, who live around the block from host Drew Scott. The Disneyland-Esque catio, which includes a fabulous up-and-down run and a Spanish tile roof, is featured throughout the program. My favorite scene takes place at the 7 minute mark:
Drew: What is going on outside over here?
Emily: So that is our catio.
Jonathan: Cat-io!
Emily: Yeah, this didn’t come with the house, we actually had this built after we purchased the home.
Jonathan: The funniest thing to me is the first renovation they tackled in this house was for the cats!
Amazingly, Jonathan Scott wrote on a recent Instagram post: Best catio work I’ve ever seen 😊
It doesn’t get much better than that! 😺