This stunning Glendale catio with a gorgeous wood stain is home to two tuxedo cats. A unique litter box compartment is covered on all sides but one. While the litter is on the catio ground, it’s waist-high when cleaning from …
Santa Barbara
The catio is a gorgeous extension of a beautiful Santa Barbara home. The vibrant blue color pops and the inside is large, tall, and fun. Romeo, who was marking regularly inside before the enclosure, has not done so since. Love …
Mt. Washington Litter Box Compartment Addition
With Mittens (pictured) and Cooper Kitten LA‘s Mt. Washington litter box compartment addition, the cat guardians have moved all the litter boxes outside. No more litter dust or bad smells permeating the house!…
That’s Twix climbing the synthetic rope pole in the middle photo with Hershey on the ground. These two furballs get to explore their Castaic (just beyond Valencia and Magic Mountain) catio tower with an additional large natural enclosure in the …