We built two side-by-side indoor cat enclosures for the PAWmazing Lange Foundation in West Los Angeles. We Disney-fied the space and included nine cubby hole boxes with cat-cutouts to give the furballs plenty of cosy sleeping spots. View a fun …
Expert Builder Series Q&A #7 With Elwing Works
Expert Builder Series
This is the Seventh Q&A in a series of interviews with catio experts from around the world. My hope is to learn from the best catio builders on the planet and pass on that knowledge far and …
Lange Foundation
The Lange Foundation will forever hold a special place in my heart because that’s where we adopted our Monkey 14 years ago. As such, I jumped at the opportunity to build a catio for the West Los Angeles / Westwood …
Interview With CatCafe Lounge Founder Kristi Labrenz Galvan
Cat Adoption Cafe
Last week I visited L.A.’s CatCafe Lounge and was blown away by the concept. The place has a visually appealing setup geared towards cat stimulation and enrichment. Scores of gatos live happily together until they are adopted …