Pumpkin, Momo, and Chloe call this extra large gorgeous wood stained catio in the North Village section of Oak Park home. The roomy inside has a loft ladder, 10-foot climbing pole, super long ramp, and many shelves and bed perches. …
Halo’s Woodland Hills Catio
Halo and Luke share this gorgeous decked out backyard catio. 1″ x 1″ black wire mesh, clear translucent roof, hiding box with cat cutouts, climbing pole and lots of ramps and shelves comprise this beauty.…
Occasionally we find a house with the perfect catio spot already built in as in this case. We merely had to build a mesh wall with a door, and add a ramp, a couple of shelves, and a sisal rope …
Van Nuys
Beatriz Pennyfeather’s catio blends in perfectly with the home, thus providing the cat parents a beautiful addition to the house. The bronze translucent roof provides Beatriz and her sibling protection from the rain and sun. The shelves and sisal rope …
Hermosa Beach
Jackson Galaxy coined the phrase, “Cat Superhighway,” to describe an environment where cats can circumvent a room or an enclosure on multiple levels without touching the ground. It essentially maximizes the available real estate for all inhabitants. Well, we perfected …
Beverly Hills
We found a perfect spot for the gorgeous Moses, a rambunctious Russian Blue, to enjoy the outdoors safely. We dug up a bit of dirt, moved around some plumbing, and then laid down a concrete slab. Then we added a …
This was a fun one that included all the bells and whistles. The concrete slab adds stability, makes it easier to clean, and prevents animals from digging underneath the mesh. The bronze polygal roof keeps out the rain and provides …
When it comes to cats, vertical space is far more important than square footage. Furbabies need things to climb and high perches to check out the world below. Multi-level shelf space is also critical to cat harmony due to their …
Wowza! Where to begin with this gorgeous cattery. How about the 10+ foot plus sisal rope pole, 20+ foot ramp, and massive cat superhighway that encircles the entire enclosure. Holy smokes this is one awesome catio! The huge ramp is …
Eagle Rock
This Eagle Rock catio perfectly encapsulates Custom Catios commitment to cats and humans alike! The feline family members get a large, decked out enclosure with a couple of ramps, eight shelves which combine to create a superhighway, multiple high perches, …