The video for our recent Virginia Country Club catio in Long Beach went viral across our (Catio Guy) social media accounts with over 10 million total views and thousands of PAWmazing comments. Check it out on your preferred social media …
VIDEO: Catio Castle
The 400+ square foot catio castle may be our magnum opus. The huge breathtaking enclosure took over three weeks to construct and is a feline wonderland for the dozen or so house cats. Please view the below video and let …
VIDEO: Cats Playing in Orange Tree Catio is Pawsome!
Orange Tree Catio
Watch Hannah running, jumping, and playing with the kittens, Dottie and Trudy, in their new catio (cat patio) built around a hundred-year-old orange tree. The enclosure is connected to the house via a super long cat run …
Mount Washington 1 & 2
This was a monster project where we built three catios at one home over a week for an amazing cat rescuer. You can also check out a time-lapse video of our team constructing the enclosures. These catios have everything including …
Time-Lapse Video of Catio Enclosure Construction
It is difficult to convey the time, effort, craftsmanship, and expertise that goes into a Custom Catio cat enclosure. We use the best materials including redwood, high-end galvanized wire mesh, and bronze polygal. Our attention to detail includes painting interior …
VIDEO: Portland Catio Tour Draws a Thousand People
Record Turnout for Catio Tour
A ten catio tour in Portland, Oregon Saturday drew a thousand people according to a KATU2 News report. The video below, which is well worth watching, makes clear that catios protect both wildlife from cats …
Video: Coyote Jumps 6 Foot Wall to Nab Pet Cat
Here is a really disturbing video of a coyote running through a backyard and leaping over a six foot wall with a dead cat in its mouth. The video is extremely graphic and not for the faint of heart. That …
CBS News: Increasing Coyote Threat Prompts Pet Owners To Build ‘Catios’ For Protection
This clip is from the local CBS News in the Bay Area but is equally applicable to Los Angeles. Because of years of drought, generations of coyotes have moved down from the hills into neighborhoods. They have grown up in …
San Fernando Valley Custom Catio Design Video
The above video is our design for a complicated project we are working on in Tarzana. We had to plan around the following obstacles:
- A mature tree lies in the middle of the proposed catio site. So we built a