The large Woodland Hills catio is nearly 15 feet wide, not including the pop-out run/nest. There are two cat doors, one leading to a bedroom and the other to the garage. The shingle roof looks fabulous.…
Cleo’s Woodland Hills Castle
Cleo, short for Cleopatra, is a beautiful queen deserving of her castle. She enters via an upstairs bedroom window into a run, then drops down a chimney followed by a bridge that deposits her in the large lush enclosure.…
Halo’s Woodland Hills Catio
Halo and Luke share this gorgeous decked out backyard catio. 1″ x 1″ black wire mesh, clear translucent roof, hiding box with cat cutouts, climbing pole and lots of ramps and shelves comprise this beauty.…
Woodland Hills
We pride ourselves on our ability to make catios blend in with homes. This Woodland Hills enclosure proves the point. It looks like it was built into the mid-century architecture, thus making the hoomans happy. The cats, Whippany and Rocky, …
Catio Castle
The Woodland Hills Catio Castle is an enormous 400+ square foot cat paradise (see video). The palatial feline estate includes a 20 foot carpeted ramp, 2 ten foot sisal rope climbing poles, and an incredible centerpiece that includes two …
Woodland Hills Stand Alone Catio
This might have been our toughest challenge to date. Our client was moving into a new house with 12 cats and needed a stand alone structure. First, we carved out a spot in the backyard where we could build a …
Woodland Hills Dogio
This dogio / dog run / dog enclosure is a thing of beauty. Stained redwood throughout is a near perfect match for the new perimeter fence. Coupling the beautiful framing and stylized door with lush trees and bushes make for …